Our Staff

Fred Rush
Fred Rush
Founder & CEO

Founded King Rush Productions LLC in 2012.  Study Mass Media Communication at Germantown High school located in Philadelphia, PA 1994 to 1998.  Graduated Drexel University with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science 2002.  Have over 22 years of experience in Information Technology.  Graduated University of Phoenix Master’s degree in Business Management 2011.  Worked with scripting writing and post & pre-production in the film and entertainment industry.

Samuel Ortega
Samuel Ortega
Film Producer
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Patricia Peterson
Patricia Peterson
Equipment Manger

The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale. Fort Lauderdale, FL. Receives an associate’s degree in digital film and/or media production. Manages the use of spaces and equipment by staff. This includes an expertise and awareness of electrical systems, camera operation, software operation, staff with connecting lighting, and maintain working hardware in the studios.